Inspire students to become the STEM leaders of tomorrow

Game Development Studio

Students learn the game design process using the best practices in software development. As a game producer, students problem solve, apply and use tools to get work done, and make decisions within defined limitations.

Home of the Future

Students explore the world to come by calibrating a connected home. They utilize a variety of data sources to achieve optimal settings, adjusting their smart thermostat, lighting control system, and intelligent refrigerator. Students learn to interpret basic data sets to make cost and energy efficiency decisions.

Perfect Playlist

As curation engineers at a music software company, students analyze content and user data to determine a perfect playlist. They learn how recommendation engines collect information about users from online behavior.

Designing the Ultimate Prototype

Students explore advanced manufacturing techniques by designing and prototyping their own custom sneaker. They also come to understand the link between the design process and the high-tech manufacturing techniques that shape that future of production. Through this lesson, students connect these skills to STEM careers in engineering.

Course Structure

After completing the indtroductory activities, students arrive on Main Street and can select each of the four online learning modules.


STEM is all around us, from the data-driven decisions of the business world, to the automation of manufacturing or the predictive algorithms that mould to our digital footprint. That’s why it’s important to build a STEM-literate generation, and empower students with the knowledge and skills to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by STEM in their future career endeavors. 

What is Endeavor?

Endeavor is a first-of-its-kind interactive STEM career exploration program designed to meet students where the ground for STEM career exploration is most fertile.

Students engage with content that reinforces key STEM skills and mindsets while enjoying the freedom and motivation of self-exploration and an interactive learning experience. 

You can now access Endeavor at no cost.

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Our world is shaped by STEM

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“I teach EVERFI resources because they put real-life scenarios in an educational context. My students can learn at their own pace and are fully engaged in the program. My unit plans are enhanced by the modules and I can monitor all their progress with a few mouse clicks.”

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- Eileen Lennon

Technology Teacher, Certified EVERFI Teacher at Nathaniel Hawthorne Middle School

EVERFI partners with organizations nationwide to offer our interactive, online social-emotional learning resources to K-12 schools free of charge.

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